Valpre Still Spring Water - 750ml Glass Bottle


Valpré was founded in 2009 by The Coca Cola company to supply the South African market with pure natural spring water. The water is sourced from natural springs in Polokwane and Heidelberg with world-class facilities enabling the water to never leave the production line or be handled manually, eliminating any risk of contamination.

Valpré Still Spring Water

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Our world class spring water spends up to 15 years filtering naturally through the ground before making its way through our bottling process and becoming the Valpré water you know and love. Best served cold for maximum refreshment.

Valpré, distinguished by its naturally sweet taste.


Valpré was founded in 2009 by The Coca Cola company to supply the South African market with pure natural spring water. The water is sourced from natural springs in Polokwane and Heidelberg with world-class facilities enabling the water to never leave the production line or be handled manually, eliminating any risk of contamination.


Mineral Content:
Sodium 3.0mg/L
Potassium 1.0mg/L
Chloride 2.0mg/L
Calcium 10mg/L
Magnesium 10.0mg/L
Flouride <0.1mg/L
Sulfate 4.0mg/L

Zero Drinks say:

Valpré Spring Water is great and even better in these stylish glass bottles!